I'ven't been in Macau to hv mid-autumn festival for 3 yrs already....
This yr I can finally to be with my family so hapi~~

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  • Sep 12 Fri 2008 21:24
  • 在HK

Sept 10

go to HK with Aileen

shop at H&M

buy a lot of stuffs, no money na~

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carti 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

遲一下再upload photos上來........

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9:30am woke up

11:30am breakfast

12:30am went to 上野

but many galleries were closed today damnit.....

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9am woke up
10am breakfast
11am at Shibuya
I love here~~ 109, 109-2... good for shopping and there are many shopping malls here

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8:00am woke up

9:00am hv breakfast

10:00am went to Harajuku

below were those stuufs that I bought at Harajuku


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4:15am   woke up

5:30am   left home

6:00am   went to HK

7:30am   arrived HK

7:50am   got on the Airport Express

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I and my cousin went to venetian abt 11:30am sth

then Caroline was there, we 3 have a talk... 

she said that my cousin was more beautiful then be4 haha

but my cousin said she worn like that because we were going to Venetian today...

after the talk we went to hv lunch there

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today I went to watch Mummy 3 with Caroline

Mummy 3 was quite good

after that we walked around to buy what we need

today is the day that spending our money just like using the water... very fast....

after watcing Mummy3 I was shocked to see a missing call.....

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today plan to find ally after high tea with my parents

then I was cheated to go to mainland with her

those ppl said just need abt 30 to 40 mins to make that thgs

but then almost using one and a half hour lo....

then abt 7:30pm already and I bought a belt also

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went out with Janice
hig tea at singing bean waiting for Eiko
dinner with Janice and Eiko

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Heavy raining at the morning, but we still go to HK...haha

My fd is waiting for me outside to go to 尖咀 red box sing k lunch...


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