
We woke up at abt 9am sth then arrived at 信義區abt 11am(if I didn't forget the time..haha)

we first hv our breakfast at the Barkey that Fahrenheit had introduced before...

then we went to 101 to make the tax free

after that we went to 信義誠品 to watch the books.....

when it was abt 1pm sth, we needed to find a book so we asked the information a/c....

during that time the director of The Kiss 2 was standing next to me and I also looked at him, but at that time I didn't recogize him..... a few mins later after he left...... Angel suddenly said to me, "He is the director of The Kiss 2!!!!!" maybe I really lack of sleep.. how can I didn't recogize him.......

and we also heard the annoucement saying that "At 2:30pm林依晨小姐的新書發佈會會開始,有興趣的來賓可是去參觀!!!" both of us were so surprised, since we already gave up to meet any artist during our trip~~~

when time arrived, it was surprised that 鄭元暢was coming for 林依晨的新書發佈會..... wow~~~ that's really excitied!!!

after finished watching them, it was already abt 3pm sth..... our schedule was already delayed........... we then went to 東區 for our "high tea? lunch?" anyway our schedule was Hello Kitty restaurant......... we took many photos there, it seems that taking photos already made us contented(we not yet started our food, since the food and cake was with Hello Kitty~~ we didn't want to eat it~~~)

after finished our food at KT restaurant then we walked at 東區 and dinner at "放牛班"... that's really like a classroom, those waiters worn uniform and the cashier was written"總務處" that's so funny~~ then it was time for just to get the last MRT and bus to back home again~~~

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